Spinal degenerative changes are a natural part of ageing

Spending time deciphering and interpreting the meaning of MRI and CT scans for our patients is a difficult task. How do we know what is normal and what is related to pathology? This blog explores a recent systematic review that provides evidence about the prevalence of normal age-related changes on spinal imaging of the lumbar spine and MRI changes in the cervical spine .

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Modic changes & Spinal degeneration

Dr. Mark Percy, Specialist Radiologist with MIA Victoria, who previously guided me on the topic of VBI and pre-manipulative screening also spoke with me about Modic changes. Previously I didn't completely understand the clinical significance of this term and why as Physiotherapists we need to consider the implications of this word being written on the radiology report. Dr. Percy explains what we need to know about them. 

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